Inspired by yesterday’s classic episode of the Apprentice (“Analysation”, “Manoeuvrement”, “Professionality” and “Karmically retributed” being four great reasons to love it…) I thought it was high time for another Cassetteboy Video. And what better video to choose than his mashup of The Apprentice…
Category: Video
Funny Video of the Day – Muppet Bohemian Rhapsody
Words don’t do justice to how brilliant the Muppets are!
Funny Video of the Day – Stephen Fry on Wagner
I know this has probably been retweeted and shared to death, but I couldn’t help it – this just makes me chuckle. It’s so well made!
Funny Video of the Day – Ben Folds’ Ode to Merton
Whatever happened to Chat Roulette? : ) This great video was created by Ben Folds as a response to the YouTube ‘sensation’ Merton – a (very amusing) guy who used to go on Chat Roulette and sing to strangers. Apparently lots of people were accusing Folds of BEING Merton, so he decided to pay his…
Funny Video of the Day – Fry and Laurie Aussie Soap
Apparently this was from the pilot episode of ‘A bit of Fry and Laurie’ from back in 1987. Despite being a massive Fry & Laurie fan from series 1 or 2, the first time I really remember hearing this sketch was as part of a comedy-themed audio cassette that was given away on the front…
Funny Video of the Day – Cassetteboy vs The One Show
Since the One Show has been quite considerably over-hauled since this was made, I feel a lot less bad about laughing so heartily at this video…
Funny Video of the Day – Top Gun, Re-cut
The first in a series of several “re=cut” movie trailers, made by various smart-folk on YouTube. This one is ‘Top Gun’, recut to focus on a different love story than the original film…
Funny Video of the Day – The Twitter Movie Trailer
In light of the fact that most of my friends are talking about how good the ‘Social Network’ movie is, I thought it was about time I revisited this AWESOME fake trailer for the Twitter movie, inspire by the Social Network trailer…
Funny Video of the Day – “Ladies of the World” by Flight of the Conchords
The first of what may well turn in to several Flight of the Conchords videos in this section. What can I say? I’m a sucker for New Zealand gangster-folk… NOTE: There’s actually an ‘official’ music-video-style version of this song, put out by the show’s creators, but I can’t seem to embed it. It’s here though.
Funny Video of the Day – Strange kid singing Cascada
I know it’s mean to laugh at children, but this kid is properly impressive when he lip-syncs. He also bears a spooky resemblance to a young Cory Haim, particularly as ‘Mouth’ in the Goonies. Either way, he’s a mini-legend.