As the old saying goes, everyone has a price… and I’m no exception. If you’re looking at this page, chances are you’re thinking of getting in touch with me to inquire about advertising on the site, perhaps writing a guest post or maybe sending me something to review. The good news is, I’m up for ALL of those and more.
The ONE thing you need to be aware of, though, is that I work in marketing. Digital marketing to be precise – and I deal with bloggers myself, all the time. Therefore, I have some very set views about how ‘influencer engagement’ (or whatever you choose to call it) should be done – and I’m not afraid to tell you.
To save us ALL some time and energy, the best thing for you to do is read this list, along with a couple of posts I have written on the subject – that way, you won’t waste your time on a rubbish pitch, I won’t have to read a rubbish pitch and we’ll all be happy. So, the list:
- Guest posts – as you’ll often see me mentioning guest posts, you’ll know I LOVE guest posts from other parents. What I DON’T love are SEO people pretending to be parents in order to write a post and stick in an irrelevant link, in the hope I won’t notice.
- Links – I’m happy to include links in posts, but I’m not stupid – if I do this, I expect to be recompensed for my troubles. As I say, I’ve worked in marketing (including SEO) for a LONG time…
- Advertising – I’m always happy to consider sponsored posts, adverts or other commercial arrangements
- Reviews – Again, always happy to consider your pitch, but you should probably know that I expect to keep the product at the end, ESPECIALLY if it was for my children. Taking a toy from a baby’s arms is NOT on my wishlist!
Anyway, there’s my list – and here’s the two blog posts you should read:
Marketers: Here’s 5 Ways to Make Bloggers Hate You
Fatherhood²: Sponsorship, Links, Reviews – Where Should Bloggers Draw the Line?
If you read all this and STILL want to get in touch, you can do so through the email link on this page…
Henry Elliss
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