This is a sponsored post on behalf of British Gas I was recently contacted by British Gas asking if I’d like help spread the message about smart meters via my blog – slightly different to the usual feedback I get from my blog, I must admit. But one that certainly intrigued me. As a big…
Tag: Fatherhood²
Fatherhood²: 5 Top Tips For Getting Professional Baby Photos Done
As I’ve mentioned in a couple of my previous posts, in the past 3 years we’ve had a number of family photo sessions done with professional photographers. When Robert was born, my brother bought us 3 sessions at a photography studio, which we chose to use over 3 years at roughly the same time each…
Fatherhood²: Routine – The Joys and the Sorrows
I don’t profess to be anywhere near an expert in parenting – in fact, I’d go as far as to say that in a lot of respects I’m nothing more than an amateur. But what I DO know is what has worked (and not worked) for my children. Routine is one thing that has made…
Fatherhood²: Want to Hear From Other Dads? Be My Guest!
I’ve been “daddy blogging” for almost 10 months now, and am slowly finding my feet. I’ve got some lovely regular readers as well as some lovely guest posters – some of whom don’t get half as much praise as they deserve. So I wanted to go some way to correcting that here, by highlighting some…
Fatherhood²: Which is Smarter – A 3 year-old or Some Pigeons? [VIDEO]
A short video which amused me quite a bit, taken this weekend when we went to feed the ducks on the Thames…
Fatherhood²: Thousands of Parenting Fails [Pictures]
Every so often, I (as I’m sure you do too) get sent a link to a list of funny “Parenting Fail” pictures – or occasionally, an email with a stream of them in. Rather than making my own pseudo-list though, I thought I’d just point you towards some of the best lists I’ve seen so…
Fatherhood²: Guest Post – My Mother Superiority Complex, or How I Learned to Let Go and Let Dad
“All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does, and that is his.” — Oscar Wilde (The Importance of Being Earnest) In October 2004, when our son Evan was 9 months old, we packed our things, and moved out of the small university town my husband Andrew and I called home…
Fatherhood²: How Tricky is it Taking a 5-week-old Baby on Holiday?
Having just returned from a week’s holiday with our family, I thought I’d share a few my thoughts on travelling with a very small baby. I’m by no-means the expert, but having been told that we were mad for even thinking of taking such a young child (just 5 weeks old on the day we…
Fatherhood²: Hi-ho, Hi-ho, it’s Back to Work I Go…
Just a little over 3 weeks after little Frederic was born, today marks the last day of my paternity leave – a realisation which has made me rather sad this weekend. As I’ve said in past posts during these few weeks, I really appreciate the paternity leave we in the UK get – and especially…
Fatherhood²: Five Days in, is it Double Trouble?
Before little Frederic was born on Friday, I’d speculated on a few occasions that having a second child couldn’t possibly be as hard as the first one – something which I’m still just about clinging on to now, five days in to little Freddie’s life. Some things have definitely been easier, some things just as…