As some of you will know – either from my recent posts on Twitter/Facebook, or from my post “Fatherhood²: A Hospital Stay on the Horizon“, we recently took Robert in to hospital for an operation. After a long and convoluted consultation and referal program (lasting over 12 months), Robert was referred to the RBH to…
Tag: hospital
Fatherhood²: A Hospital Stay on the Horizon
Those of you that have been reading this blog for a while (or indeed those of you related to me!) will know that both of my sons have had issues with their mouth/throat area. Both Robert and Freddie were born tongue-tied – something which we managed to rectify with Freddie (Read: “Fatherhood²: To the Hospital…
Fatherhood²: V-BACk to That Old Chestnut Again…
Back in June 2011, just one week before Freddie was born, I wrote a post about the curious subject of “VBAC” – aka “Vaginal Birth After Caesarian. If you didn’t read it back then, you might like to quickly now before I go on, as things have taken an interesting turn this week: Fatherhood²: “VBAC…
Fatherhood²: “VBAC for good” and other strange things
Today was our 38-week hospital appointment – the (hopefully) final appointment before baby arrives: an appointment which we never got to in Robert’s case. As far as I can tell, the only thing they actually did – after almost 90 minutes of waiting and 3 different medical professionals – was check Sara’s urine sample and…
Fatherhood²: T-minus 2 Weeks and Counting
At 38 weeks, this week marks the time in our first pregnancy when Robert was born – so anticipation is running fairly high in our house at the moment. As with most pregnancies, Sara is looking a little bigger this time around (supposedly the muscles having relaxed more during the last pregnancy causes more “expansion”…
Fatherhood²: Things I’ve learnt along the way – Midwives
One of the original reasons I wanted to start blogging about fatherhood was the experiences Sara and I had when Robert was first born. As well as being born by emergency caesarian (an impressive 3 hours between waters breaking and the cutting of the cord!), Robert was just 6lbs 2oz at birth, and also had…