As a parent who happens to work in marketing, I often find myself pondering over the way my children are marketed to/at, and torn by what I see. As I quite regularly discuss, both our children’s TV habits are almost entirely limited to Cbeebies (or occasionally the “grown-up” BBC channels, for documentaries and the like)…
Tag: Parenting
Fatherhood²: A Book for Every Life Lesson – Part 2
As I sit here on the eve of both Robert and Freddie going in to whole-day care/education, I thought it would be a good time to post the follow-up to my post “A Children’s Book for Ever Life Lesson“. After I published the last post, lots of you were kind enough to suggest books which…
Fatherhood²: Guest Post – The Joy of Twins, Part 1
‘I’m still funny. I’m still creative. I’m still kind of hip. I’m still sane.’ This is the mantra I have been repeating to myself for the past three years. The past three years have seemed long and short at the same time. The day they were born was the best and most stressful day of…
Fatherhood²: A Day in the Life of a Stay-at-home Dad
Well, after over 9 months dreading it, the day has finally come for my wife to step back in to her other job. She isn’t going back properly until mid-April, but her school (and I suspect many other industries) offer returning-to-work mums the ability to take a number of “Keep in Touch” days throughout their…
Fatherhood²: TV Review – “When a Dad is Born”
I guess it’s probably a sign of how little coverage dads get on TV, but this is the first time I’ve really had call to do a “review” of a dad-related TV show – and may well be the last for a while. So make the most of it… :D If you didn’t catch the…
Fatherhood²: Guest Post – Let’s talk about sex
I still remember the first time my father discussed the subject of sex with me. I was fourteen years old and it was clear that my father had no idea of what I was going through. I had returned home from a summer vacation camp. Together with fifty teenagers I had been locked into a…
Fatherhood²: Guest Post – The Incidental Transcendentalist
(or, An Atheist and a Catholic Walk Into a Bar…) I grew up Catholic. I went to church every Sunday and said grace before dinner. I went to catechism during the school year and to summer Bible school when school was finished. The first book I memorized was a children’s version of The Good Samaritan….
Fatherhood²: 5 Top Tips For Getting Professional Baby Photos Done
As I’ve mentioned in a couple of my previous posts, in the past 3 years we’ve had a number of family photo sessions done with professional photographers. When Robert was born, my brother bought us 3 sessions at a photography studio, which we chose to use over 3 years at roughly the same time each…
Fatherhood²: Routine – The Joys and the Sorrows
I don’t profess to be anywhere near an expert in parenting – in fact, I’d go as far as to say that in a lot of respects I’m nothing more than an amateur. But what I DO know is what has worked (and not worked) for my children. Routine is one thing that has made…
Fatherhood²: Guest Post – When a Part of a Dad Dies
It’s good but it’s not right… There are some things in life that are wrong, even when they’re right. Things that you know should happen, are appropriate and even to be expected, but you still don’t need to welcome them. Its birthday season in the Wall household. My eldest was 9 last week and the…