Having come back from a week in sunny Portugal (to bloody cold Snow!), we were suitably refreshed to start work on the house again. But before we got on with any more interesting projects, one part of the Living Room remained unfinished – the dreaded Skirting Boards!
So, on a very cold and windy Saturday we set ourselves the aim of cutting and attaching them all, so that we can at least call one room ‘finished’. The task itself was just as difficult as you might imagine – even with a fancy angle-cutting thing-ummy-jig which we got from Wickes (I’m reliably informed by Sara that it’s called a Mitre saw), it was still very tough getting the angles right. I suspect this may be partly due to wonky walls, but even so it wasn’t until we did the very last corner that we’d got the darn thing down pat.
Having said this, the task would have been even harder without the kind help of Claire, and later on Dave. Braving the howling conditions for a trip down to Reading (though they did get paid in food!) they did a load of the gluing and measuring, heck, and the cutting too. Good work Hobbits!
The only thing we have left to do now in that room is fill in all the gaps with Builder Caulk, and then figure out a way to hang the mother of all mirrors, without taking the wall down with it…!