Having been looking around for sideboards and garden furniture in all the traditional places, but to no avail, Henry made the big mistake of introducing Sara to the delights of eBay. 10 minutes later and Sara had bought a sideboard. 3 days later and we’d apologised to the seller for cancelling our bid (Henry didn’t like said sideboard) and bought a different one. We also bought a nice set of garden furniture, and both were at bargain basement prices.
The garden furniture arrived first, and there was almost no putting together necessary – the kind of furniture we like! However, the sideboard was flat-packed so Henry set about putting it all together – not once, but twice! The problem was that Henry stupidly put it together so that a certain part was in the wrong position – have a look at the photos below and see if you can spot the different. Answers on a postcard to the usual address…
Once the sideboard was in place we decided the room needed a bit more light, so Sara went shopping and came back with two brilliant new lamps – and very achey arms. We think you’ll agree they look pretty nice – the lamps I mean, not the achey arms. And even if you don’t like them – tough, we’re keeping them.