As I’ve got a meeting in the centre of London today, I’m making a rare return to my train-based commuting days of old. ‘Great’ I thought to myself, ‘I can knock out a blog on the train!’ – especially since I’ve now completely lost my iPod, making the journey in to London a very dull one.
But when I opened up my blog to start writing, I realised I couldn’t think of a single (interesting) thing to write about. Not one! I’m slightly worried that this means my life must be very uneventful, but I’m consoling myself with the knowledge that Tuesday morning + January + dull weather + lack of sleep + very busy at work = lack of inspiration. Hopefully I’ve just not quite hit my stride yet, annually speaking – otherwise this blog might have been a bit of a hiding to nothing – whatever that saying actually means.
In other, equally-unexciting news, you may notice that I’ve spruced up this blog a bit, getting rid of the ugly old template I was using until now. Now that I’m getting the hang of WordPress, it’s flexibility is impressing me more and more – you’ll notice I’ve added a mini version of my social-map-thingy in a tab at the top, and I might see if I can add a few other bits and bobs in the next few weeks too – if for no other reason than to keep me from getting writer’s block!
I hope your day is proving to be more inspirational than mine has so far…