As an average father (if there is such a thing), my father-son time is a lot more limited compared to my wife. On an average day, I get home at about 6.30, which leaves me just enough time to do Robert’s bath and read him his bedtime stories. Before work is a similar situation – the hour we have between waking up and leaving for our respective jobs is a fairly frantic affair, though I do usually get to spend more time with Robert than Sara does.
Obviously the weekends are much different beasts entirely, and I try to make up for my lack of interaction as much as possible. But generally speaking, my wife does the majority of the work when it comes to parenthood. This is something that I often feel guilty about, and occassionally even jealous of.
Today however was one of a rare selection of days where Sara’s job required her to stay late, so I get drafted in to do my bit. This usually involves me taking the afternoon off work, collecting Robert and spending the afternoon with him.
It is times like this that really make me appreciate my wife and the effort she puts in with Robert. And don’t get me started on how appreciative I feel on the 1 or 2 situations where I have been a lone-parent for up to 4 days, while Sara takes a school trip…!
When Robert was small it was a matter of keeping him clean, fed, occupied and out of danger. Now that he’s older it’s a whole different set of challenges – potty training for a start, as well as stopping him rampaging round the house playing with things he shouldn’t. Then you’ve got to make sure dinner gets made, make sure he actually eats it, get him bathed and in bed – all hopefully without him getting too upset that mummy isn’t here.
Days like this make me wonder how single parents manage. It also makes me want to take my wife on holiday somewhere hot, if only the budget would stretch to that. Either way, these occassional glimpses in to the life of the main carer make me appreciate what I have, and look forward to the day when nappies are no longer a part of my wife.
With another one on the way in July though, those days are a long way off yet…
Your banner photos make you look like a single parent, BTW. Robert, Henry… and no Sara!
That’s because it’s a blog about being a dad – I’d hope Sara wouldn’t mind that.