Back in November, I made quite an ambitious plan – one which I still have today, though possibly with slightly more realistic timelines… I’m hoping that in 2012 I can finally get something published, and the current plan is for my first release to be related to parenting. You can read all about the original plan here: Fatherhood²: Won’t You Help Me Write My Book? and here: Fatherhood²: Contributors – Choose Your Weapons! but here’s the update of where I am today…
After I laid out my stall with the original post, I had a number of friends and acquaintances come forward offering to write chapters for the book. A few of them have even sent me their chapters already – special thanks to Filipe Cardeira, Oren Miller of “A Blogger and a Father” and Russ Jones, aka “The Stay at Homer“. As for the rest of you, I shall shortly start to pester you – slowly but surely…
The only real change to my previous plan is the timing. Slightly over-optimistically I planned to attempt to get everything together by the end of 2011, but evidently I was being a little bit mad – even I haven’t managed to write my chapters yet, so I can’t really criticise anyone else for being slow!
In the meantime, I’m pleased to say several other dads HAVE managed to accomplish this aim – one of them was even kind enough to include me in their book! Tom Briggs, author of the “Diary of the Dad” blog has produced an excellent book entitled “Who Let the Dads Out”, which you can buy a copy of here for the very competitive price of around £6.
Anyway, I guess I’d better get back to finding delay tactics to avoid writing my chapter… If any of you who didn’t express an interest before have since had a change of heart, please do let me know in the comments below – or tweet me on Twitter, etc etc.