Well, it had to happen eventually – and the start of term seems like as good a time as any, ha ha. Yes, Robert is starting “big school” this week – Tuesday to be precise. And as you can see from the photo below, he’s REALLY looking forward to it! :-/
To be fair to his school (which he is bound to love once he gets there, I’m sure) the main reason he is so unhappy about starting school this week is – wait for it – the colour of his school jumper! Robert is apparently not a fan of Green (this week!), preferring instead a red jumper it seems. Not much we can do about that, sadly.
So this week is inevitably going to be a tumultuous one for all of us, but Robert most of all. Not only will he be doing full-time for the first time (last term at pre-school he was only on 3 days a week full time), it’ll be at a brand new school – which none of his pre-school friends are attending, sadly. Plus he’ll have the additional fun of a new before-and-after-school child minder 3 times a week to get used to.
Needless to say I shall be writing a post about how it went next weekend, if we make it through unscathed…!
Wish him luck, we’re going in…
Chin up, little guy, it’ll be a blast.