You’ve probably all seen this already – I’m usually the last one to the party on these things.
But just in case you HAVEN’T, and since it combines three of my favourite things (being a dad, Star Wars and Lego!) I felt obliged to share it…
Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader have never been so sweet!
Made by Lego to celebrate Father’s Day, the video sees the famous father and son choosing to spend the day together – with brilliant results. If this doesn’t get you in the mood for a spin-off Lego TV show – “Vader and Son” maybe – nothing will!
As a bonus, here’s another great dad-related video that you may or may not have seen – it’s the current advert for Robinsons, and it contains a really nice twist (no pun intended) at the end.
Happy Father’s Day, dads!