Although, as the BBC points out, home air conditioning systems aren’t nearly as common here as in the US, they’re however more likely to be widespread in the future, especially if climate predictions are correct and heat waves become more frequent. And, just like any of the systems in your home, air conditioning needs regular servicing.
Your Air Conditioning
Most air conditioning is found in workplaces and public buildings. As the BBC articles points out, productivity tends to fall when the temperature rises too far, making an air conditioning system good economic sense. At home, we’re more likely to put up with the sweltering heat, but with more people working from home, means workplace standards have to be increasingly applied in your own home.
The Good House Keeping website highlights that it will save you money by having your air conditioning and ventilation filters serviced yearly. As I’ll go on to explain, certain units within the home can be serviced by yourself, however for the more commercial/larger units it is recommended to use a professional maintenance supplier, such as ventilation system supplier Filtrex.
What You Can Do
Air conditioning systems tend to get clogged up, and this results in them using more power for less effect. The best time to clean the system is just before you start to use it for the summer, so it can work at peak efficiency when you need it most.
Some parts of the system are only accessible to professional maintenance engineers and it’s common sense for the engineer to undertake a full service, so you’ll be assured it’s done to the highest standard. There are parts of the system you can clean yourself, and you may find performance dropping off a little later in the summer.
DIY Network explains how to clean the system in ten easy steps, from cleaning and straightening the fins to replacing the filters — always remembering to turn the power off before you attempt any kind of maintenance. supplies a wide range of filters that will be suitable for most types of air conditioning.
Get the Most Out of Your Air Conditioning
Most of us look forward to a hot summer, but it can be torture if you have to work indoors without efficient air conditioning. Giving your system a professional service at the beginning of summer will go a long way to letting you enjoy the best of both worlds.