Short read: 300 words I really should be writing all my blog posts after midnight, as it turns out I give my best advice in the middle of the night… Like most kids, my children occasionally have nightmares. For the bottom-bunk sleeping youngest, that means trudging down the corridor and flinging open our door, to…
Tag: Advice
Fatherhood²: The Joy of Kids – 50+ Things You Would Never Have Known if You Hadn’t Had Kids
In a move partially inspired by writer’s block, and partially by a desire to write something positive which would reassure prospective and expectant parents, I posted a question on both my Twitter and my Facebook last night – and the following are just some of the great responses I received. The question I asked was…
Fatherhood²: Guest Post – Feeding Time at the Zoo
Henry has been asking me to write a blog for ages. I’ve always declined the offer as I’ve really got nothing interesting to say on parenting – plus I’d never written a blog. So it was a teensy bit scary. But I’ve finally thought of something to write about which, if it reassures or helps…
Fatherhood²: Handy Advice for New Bloggers
I was recently asked to contribute to an eBook being produced in Australia for would-be Mummy Bloggers. As well as being very flattered (and just as keen), I thought it would be a good opportunity to pass on some of the tips and tricks I’ve learnt whilst blogging over the past few years – as…