If you’ve been reading this blog for a while now, congratulations on sticking it out, despite my rather sporadic posting schedule. According to my blog stats, there are about 5 of you, but let’s gloss over that – let’s just say I appreciate you all. But if you HAVE been reading for a while, you’ll…
Tag: fatherhood
Fatherhood: 15 Things Game of Thrones Can Teach You about Parenting
Raising children can be a beautiful experience, but even the most hardened and successful parent will probably admit that there are times when it can be tricky. During the tougher times, it can be good to look outside of your immediate circle of family and friends for advice. Some people read books, some for groups,…
Fatherhood²: Help Me Make One of my Parenting Inventions A Reality!
If you’re anything like me, becoming a parent will have made your life infinitely busier – and you’re bound to have thought of a few ideas that would make your lives easier. I know I do – whether it’s inventions to keep your house tidier, occupy the children, make things safer or just a bit…
Fatherhood²: A Camping We Will Go – It’s Just Like Riding a Bike, Right?
In an exciting development for this family, this Wednesday will see us heading off on our first ever camping trip. We’re packed, we have a brand-spanking-new tent (and virtually every accessory you can think of) and we’ll be hitting the M4 in less than 48 hours. The Gower Penninsula in Wales is our destination –…
Fatherhood²: Favourite Pre-school Bedtime Reads – UK vs North America
With so much talk of literacy and reading at the moment, I found myself curious to know whether the books we enjoy here in the UK are also enjoyed elsewhere in the world. As I’ve recently been invited to join a community of other Dad Bloggers – most of whom reside in North America –…
Fatherhood²: A Hospital Stay on the Horizon
Those of you that have been reading this blog for a while (or indeed those of you related to me!) will know that both of my sons have had issues with their mouth/throat area. Both Robert and Freddie were born tongue-tied – something which we managed to rectify with Freddie (Read: “Fatherhood²: To the Hospital…
Fatherhood²: Normal Service Will be Resumed Shortly…
Apologies to anyone who has been disappointed by a lack of posts from me lately – I’m afraid my free evening-time has been taken up with another labour-of-love, this one less father-related and more Lego-centric. I am currently spending most of my evenings clearing the backlog from this project: “Have yourself turned into a Lego…
Fatherhood²: Watch Out – The Dads are Coming!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have seen the future of blogging – and it’s dads! But fear not, this is no rallying cry or declaration of war – quite frankly, it’s a pretty daunting place, this future of blogging… I should probably start at the beginning… When I first started on my journey as a ‘daddy…
Fatherhood²: Review – Bathtime Bubble Maker
Having recently been listed in the “Tots 100” Top 50 UK Dad Blogs (I have no idea why – but I’m very grateful!) I’ve had a sudden slew of brands asking me to review products – most of which I’ve been very happy to agree to. After all, never look a gift horse in the…
Fatherhood²: Should we Lie to our Children?
Whilst browsing my Facebook feed the other day, I happened upon a status update which a friend had commented on. I’ll paraphrase it a little, but the basic message was thus: “What does everyone think about the whole Santa thing? I’m not sure I’m comfortable with lying to my children…” Whilst it provided an initial…