If you’ve been reading this blog for a while now, congratulations on sticking it out, despite my rather sporadic posting schedule. According to my blog stats, there are about 5 of you, but let’s gloss over that – let’s just say I appreciate you all.
But if you HAVE been reading for a while, you’ll know that I’ve had some issues figuring out just WHAT sort of blog I want it to be. Partially due to the evolving nature of parenting – let’s face it, kids don’t do quite as many things you want to write about as they get older. But it’s also because I’ve never quite nailed what I want to get out of this.
When I first started, I wanted to use this blog as a way to document some of the ups and downs of being a dad – I started writing when our second son was just about to be born, and figured this would be a nice way to document how different it might be the second time around.
As the kids got older, it morphed into a more general blog about dad-related stuff. I’ve reviewed some toys and products, shared tips on topics as varied as how to go camping with kids, how to tackle the issue of ‘screen time’ and a few suggestions for fun days out. Plus, I’ve occasionally hosted a few guest posts from friends.
Despite this, I’ve never really nailed down a ‘niche’. My blog has remained generic, and my commitment to it has wavered quite considerably. Lately, I’ve wondered whether the two issues are linked.
If I had an ‘angle’, it would certainly make it a little easier for me to think of things to write about – I know that might sound strange, but sometimes I suffer from a similar feeling when trying to think of a blog post topic to the feeling you get in a restaurant when the menu has too many choices. Sometimes, a menu with less choices is a lot easier to tackle!
So I’ve been having a think about some niches that I could potentially focus on – and this is where I’d love your help! Any thoughts, feedback, reflections or advice would be very much welcome. Whether it’s your first time reading or you’ve been with me for years, let me know what you think I should do? After all, it’s “you” I’m writing this for.
So, here are a few topics which I think I could potentially focus on…
Technology and children
Whilst I’m not technically an expert in this area, my life is surrounded by technology – as are the lives of my children. I’ve worked in digital communications and marketing for nearly 20 years now, our house is full of more screens and devices than I could probably count, and the past few years has definitely seen more than a few technology stories that I’ve had an opinion on, from a parenting perspective. But does the world need another tech-obsessed dad offering up his advice?
Camping and days out
We’ve been camping as a family for almost as long as I’ve been blogging, and long before that I went camping with my own parents for many, many holidays. I’d definitely consider myself a mid-to-expert level camper – and I’m pretty sure many of my friends would agree with that take, too. Heck, I’m even choosing to spend my upcoming 40th birthday surrounded by friends and family in a muddy field in Devon. I’ve got tips I could share, recommendations on where to go and a few horror stories too. But do enough people care about camping to justify me writing more about it?
Toys – especially Lego
Pretty much everyone who knows me, knows that I’m a bit of a Lego obsessive – so much so that any time a Lego story, video or meme hits Facebook, at least half a dozen friends will have tagged me in it within the first day. I also have a rather worryingly large collection of Lego – all sorted into coloured boxes, or displayed in special cases. Yes, I know what you’re thinking and you’re right – I’m basically one of those slightly nerdy adults who you see on Lego Masters on Channel 4, pretending that they don’t mind when their kids want to play with THEIR Lego…! Ha ha. The only downside to this idea, sadly, is that I don’t really get to buy many Lego models these days, so I couldn’t really review anything – saving for a house has rather put paid to my Lego purchasing these days.
Something else?
There must be other niches that a dad like me could focus on, without boring you to tears? I’m fairly competent at a lot of things, and I have plenty of opinions – not often asked for, ha ha. I’m married to a teacher of nearly 20 years, so I certainly hear a lot about other people’s children – though I probably can’t share a lot of THOSE stories, for obvious reasons. I work in marketing, with a decent chunk of my job focusing on influencer marketing – so I sit on both sides of the fence when it comes to that subject.
Or maybe I should just stick to what I currently do, and write about whatever pops into my head at the time of writing – or on the (very) odd occasion that I get some free time with enough energy left to sit at a computer for half an hour!
If you’ve read this far, please do let me know your thoughts – either in the comments below or on one of my social channels. Do you prefer it when a blog you read has a certain niche to it, or do you choose the blogs you read based on something else? Which (if any) of the suggestions above might make a half-decent thing to write about? Let me know. Please!
It’s one of the things that I think about all the time. Writing for views or writing for feels. There’s a big element of click bait style posts that work for a short time, and I can imagine a video that goes viral would be great, but ultimately what do you love doing?
Well I’m touched you asked me to respond Henry! Truth is parenting changes and so your blog has to change with it. Personally, I think a LEGO focused blog would be awesome. Also, if you do camping, what do you do during the winter months? Could be tricky? Also, do you need a niche? When you see blog posts with the headline “My life update” you kinda know it’s time to stop. You don’t have to post every day to write a successful blog. I’ve cut back because posting too much hits the quality of what you do. You’ve also got to decide what your motivations are. if it’s to make money, you have no choice to go hardcore and throw yourself at it. If you’re doing this for fun, who cares if only five people read your blog? Hope that helps to some degree!