You may or not have noticed, but I’ve not been posting to this blog much lately – over 6 months in fact. Around August last year we embarked on a house move which turned rather complicated, resulting in us being ‘transient’ / between-homes for nearly 3 months. We finally moved in on Valentines Day. A…
Tag: tents
Family Camping for beginners – Preparation
Having written recently about the idea of focusing this blog on a few more niche topics, I’ve decided to begin what will hopefully be a regular series of posts about camping – or more specifically, camping with your family. It’s something we do quite a bit, and a topic on which I’ve got a lot…
Fatherhood²: 7 Lessons I’ve Learnt After Our First Summer of Camping
As I’ve mentioned a few times over the summer, Sara and I recently invested in our first family tent, along with all the equipment needed for family camping trips galore. Several months later, and as the last remnants of summer begin to leave us for the year, I’m pleased to report that we’ve made great…
Fatherhood²: A Camping We Will Go – It’s Just Like Riding a Bike, Right?
In an exciting development for this family, this Wednesday will see us heading off on our first ever camping trip. We’re packed, we have a brand-spanking-new tent (and virtually every accessory you can think of) and we’ll be hitting the M4 in less than 48 hours. The Gower Penninsula in Wales is our destination –…