In the past few months, the trees lining Chiswick’s leafy avenues have been covered in signs like this – stopping people from parking in the parking spaces underneath while the council chop big chunks off the top of them. Well, that’s what is SUPPOSED to happen anyway. Lately with the rain, they seem to just be place savers for whenever the council actually decide the weather is nice enough to give them a haircut.
As a result, almost every space in the road where I usually park while I’m at work is now coned off and marked with one of these signs – despite the fact that not a single branch has been chopped for 3 days now, and every day some poor sap (‘scuse the pun) just comes along and changes the date on them to the next day.
You know me, I don’t like to moan… ; ) But it’s making my journey to work in the morning a lot more hassle. Not to mention how crap the M4 has been lately…