My Year in Photos – April 30th – “I’ve done a Wallace”, originally uploaded by henweb.
My photo today is a strange one, as you can probably tell. Here’s how it came about:
As I was walking from the Tamar office to my car – a walk of just under a kilometer (I checked!) – I realised that I was walking at the same speed as this man, just behind him. I attempted to overtake him to avoid the awkward situation that always ensues when this happens, but he also seemed to speed up. I then stopped to look at somebody’s house, to let him make some progress, and he too seemed to slow down. I eventually accepted the situation and just hoped that he wouldn’t think I was stalking him – it’s probably a good thing that he didn’t turn around at the point above and spot me taking a photo of him for this very blog. I only did that because it reminded me of a story from Danny Wallace’s column/new book, honest! Well, that and the fact that I hadn’t taken any other photos today…