My Year in Photos – June 27th – "Two landmarks for the price of one", originally uploaded by henweb.
I spent today getting a mini tour of Sydney -or I should probably say an ‘alternative’ tour, since we generally avoided all the more obvious stuff. With my tour-guides Aidan and Tracy, we visited: The ‘famous’ Bourke Street Bakery (queue around the block to get in, hence we didn’t bother!), the famous Bondi beach (freezing cold and windy), drove over the Harbour Bridge, visited a supermarket/mall (stocked up on ludicrous amounts of Australian chocolates to take home), had sushi in a lovely little restaurant in Darlinghurst and ate delicious Gelato ice cream in a shop I’ve forgotten the name of.
It was lovely to be shown around by locals in a car – I think I got to see lots of the back-streets and not quite such touristy things, plus I got to do it in the comfort of a BMW! Win-win!