In a break from the current routine, I interupt my regular daddy-based blogging to post an update on our house DIY! As a bit of background for the uninitiated, I started my first proper blog 8 years ago – titled “Our First Flat” it chronicled the DIY efforts of doing up our house. You can…
Category: Garden
Summer tidy-up – Garden and Garage
Since the baby is due any day now (well, in the next 4-6 weeks anyway) we thought it would be a good idea to make a little more space in the garage – you never know when another kind relative will drop off a spare cot or moses basket! So Henry set to work cleaning…
A look at the garden in Summer
Since it’s been so wet this summer, the garden plants have done very well. The vegetables are another matter mind you – a couple of courgettes is all we managed to get grown this year – but the bamboo in particular is doing extremely well. Also below is a shot of the garden next door…
Spring Cleaning
So we’re a third of the way through 2007 and we’ve done very little in terms of DIY this year. But now having the spring air around has begun to inspire us a little more to complete those jobs we keep meaning to do. That and the fact we have new upstairs neighbours who have…
Vanity of the weather kind
Sara’s gran gave us a lovely weather vane for Sara’s birthday, which we have finally gotten around to putting up – now we can tell which way the wind is blowing, and since it frequently is at the moment, that’s quite fun! Also included are some other shots of the garden – the Bamboo and…
Photos and garden stuff
Work on the house has slowed to a veritable crawl these days, hence the lack of updates, but I thought I’d stick up a few shots from around the house. The first couple show some of the new stuff we got for the garden recently, and the second 2 are the new frames Henry put…
Wired for sound – in the garden!
The final touches in the garden today, with Henry finally getting round to wiring up the rock speakers, and Sara buying him a new MP3 Stereo, especially for the garage, to hook them up to. Don’t worry though, it only cost £30! As well as those, we bought some nice candle-holding flower type things from…
Our fountain floweth overeth
After the electrician coming round on Monday, Henry decided to tidy up the cables in the garage. Sara decided to tidy up the garden and try to make the fountain not stick out so much. With a little help from Sara’s mum and gran who gave us the large hosta behind the fountain and the…
One step closer to the Med!
Reinforcements arrive to give our backs a bit of a break. The slabs are laid quickly, holes are dug for the bamboo, 21 bags of gravel are bought and hey presto, its done!
Who needs GroundForce?
Mum arrived on Friday night and was itching to get going on the garden, so she started moving the pots off of the grass. On Saturday morning we were up really early and started digging up the grass while waiting for HSS to open so we could get a wheelbarrow, spade (sorry shovel) and a…