As you’ve probably guessed from the title, I’m about to have a rant. And not just a “Henry woke up on the wrong side of the bed” type of rant – this is one of those rants that is likely to get me blacklisted by just about every entertainment brand out there, forever highlighted in…
Tag: Marketing
Fatherhood²: When You Think About It, We’re Making Literacy Much Harder For Kids
As I sat at our dining table this morning, eating my cornflakes and mentally planning the day ahead, I noticed something that REALLY annoyed me. Spread out around me on the table were countless pieces of paper – many filled with scribbles and doodles, some school forms to fill in and a couple of pieces…
Fatherhood²: Let’s All go to the Toy Fair! or ‘Another Illusion Shattered!’
Today, one of my long-held childhood dreams proved to be a crashing disappointment. Let me explain… Ever since I was a child, I’ve harboured dreams of attending a “Toy Show”. I remember watching a report on BBC Newsround from one of these shows, over twenty years ago, and thinking to myself “God, I bet it’s…
Fatherhood²: Dear Morrisons – Dads Aren’t All Morons
Dear Morrisons Let me start this “open letter” (if Sinead O’Connor can do it, why can’t I?) by telling you that I generally love your supermarkets. You provide affordable food, you have brilliantly weird mist-spraying things to make your vegetables moist and you’ve always got at least one of my favourite wines on offer. In…
Fatherhood²: Gender Stereotyping – A Marketer’s View, aka What a (Kinder) Surprise, Will Boys Be Boys?
As a fully-fledged marketeer, I often find myself taking a different perspective on issues that other parents are debating. From TV shows to prams, I often find the (admittedly small) marketing part of my brain masticating a problem from a different view to other mums and dads. So I’ve been really interested lately to see…
Fatherhood²: Lazy Online Marketers – This is Your Final Warning
Dear marketers, spammers, PR people and lazy SEO folk. This is a friendly final warning to stop sending me crappy articles to “share”, rubbish pitches to promote your products (with zero benefit to me) and other blog spam. I’ve tried to be nice to you – I’ve written several posts outlining my thoughts on your…
Fatherhood²: Should Children be Allowed to be a Marketing Man’s Dream?
As a parent who happens to work in marketing, I often find myself pondering over the way my children are marketed to/at, and torn by what I see. As I quite regularly discuss, both our children’s TV habits are almost entirely limited to Cbeebies (or occasionally the “grown-up” BBC channels, for documentaries and the like)…
Fatherhood²: Handy Advice for New Bloggers
I was recently asked to contribute to an eBook being produced in Australia for would-be Mummy Bloggers. As well as being very flattered (and just as keen), I thought it would be a good opportunity to pass on some of the tips and tricks I’ve learnt whilst blogging over the past few years – as…