My Year in Photos – March 15th – "I didn’t know Chiswick had a castle!?", originally uploaded by henweb.
Without wishing to go over old ground, I was once again stopped from parking in my usual road today by the tree-chopping antics of Hounslow Council, so I was forced to park a few streets away. But I was quite pleased to do so when I got out of my car and noticed this amazing building on the other side of the road. It appears to be a regular house in an otherwise uninspiring residential street, but seems to have been built / renovated by somebody who fancied themselves a bit of a castle owner. The impressive ramparts go all the way around all 3 floors, though no other attempts to castlify it seem to have been made – though to be fair, I didn’t check through the gates to see if there was a drawbridge. Maybe I shall park there again tomorrow and take a closer look!