If you’re anything like me, the thought of going to a campsite which is part of a group may fill you with apprehension. Whilst not strictly a “holiday camp”, the idea of these cut-and-paste campsites brings to mind cramped pitches, over-zealous staff and enforced fun – Butlins but with less comfortable beds, basically. Whilst our…
Tag: Family
Fatherhood: Review – The Peugeot 308
Yes, you read that right. I got asked to review a car…! It’s not often that I feel compelled to start a blog post – much less a review – with an apology. But having been asked to test and review a CAR, it feels right to apologise. You see, I know bee little about…
Fatherhood: Bergen, Norway – a Family-friendly Holiday full of Unexpected Delights
A couple of months ago, Sara and I decided it was about time we booked a family holiday – something we’ve not done in over a year, and which was now well overdue. Sure, we’ve done plenty of fun camping trips – and a memorable camping expedition to France last year – but we’ve not…
Fatherhood: Guest Post – Everything is indeed awesome (or at least more enjoyable) when you’re part of a team
I’m changing jobs again, it’s become a habit and one I’ve learnt to embrace. Last time I switched I took the family to Egypt in that lovely between-jobs period when you’ve not got an old job to stress about and you’ve not yet started your new job to stress about, it was wonderful. This time…
Fatherhood: takes on Boyhood
As I sit here in San Jose (California), 5,500 miles away from my family, I have plenty of time to reflect on the aspects of fatherhood which I’m currently missing out on. I’ve only been here for a couple of days so far, so I mustn’t grumble too much – I’m certainly missing them all…
Fatherhood: 2014, A Year in our Family Album – Part 2
Following on from where I left-off a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to finish my round-up of our family year – before the year comes to an end! The second half of the year included a memorable holiday, a lot of exciting day trips and a family Christmas – so without further ado, let’s…
Fatherhood: 2014, A Year in our Family Album – Part 1
I’m not a very good blogger – as you may well have gotten the jist-of by now. I don’t post very often, I’m rubbish at thinking of what to write, and (despite my career in marketing) I’m utterly appalling at promoting this blog. One thing I AM reasonably good at doing regularly is taking photos….
Fatherhood²: Family Days Out – The Shard
As I’ve reviewed a few family days-out now (all at my own behest, I hasten to add – though if anybody wants to send us anywhere nice, just shout!) I decided I might as well make a bit of a feature of it and review some of the other days out that we have as…
Fatherhood²: Eighteen Go Crazy in Carnac*
* Mainly through lack of sleep Earlier this week we arrived home from a holiday in Brittany, France – the little (and very historic) town of Carnac to be precise. And we sure had an eventful week! As well as being Freddie’s first trip abroad, it was our first holiday with a big group –…
Fatherhood: 15 Things Game of Thrones Can Teach You about Parenting
Raising children can be a beautiful experience, but even the most hardened and successful parent will probably admit that there are times when it can be tricky. During the tougher times, it can be good to look outside of your immediate circle of family and friends for advice. Some people read books, some for groups,…